We’re on a mission to bridge diverse worlds, drawing parallels between the adrenaline-packed realm of basketball and the revolutionary world of Web3. Introducing the IV Lingo Series...
Tim Kitzrow, legendary voice of the greatest arcade sports games joins the IV universe and The IV Squad will have the opportunity to pick some of Kitzrow’s iconic lines.
Dive into how Infinite Victory bridges gaming platforms, offering a seamless experience across devices, and merging various sports onto one basketball court.
Explore the fusion of sports in Infinite Victory, where Basketball meets Hockey, Baseball, American Football, and Soccer, creating a unique arcade experience.
Dive deep into the power-packed moves in Infinite Victory. From slam dunks to power shots, learn how ultimates can change the game’s tide.
Uncover the driving force behind Infinite Victory, its vision to revolutionize arcade sports gaming, and the mission to deliver unparalleled fun and excitement.
Get to know Bit Fry, the innovative studio behind Infinite Victory, and their journey in pioneering sports arcade games with licenses from top sports organizations.
Welcome to Infinite Victory, an arcade basketball game blending multiple sports into thrilling matches. Discover the excitement, action and fun behind every play.